Standard Details Listing

Decorative Image

Standard Details are developed and revised by a City of Waco multi-departmental interdisciplinary team with input from personnel in all the phases of “The Circle of Life of Civil Infrastructure Systems” including Developers, local Engineers, local Suppliers, and local Contractors consistent with the Public Works Department's Mission, "to provide and maintain reliable and cost-effective infrastructure that ensures customer satisfaction and the long-term best  interest of the community." Consideration is given to geomorphology, geology, local and regional material sources including engineering material properties in addition to federal and state requirements and City Code of Ordinances in these processes.

Suggestions for revisions to current Standard Details will be considered by a multi-departmental interdisciplinary team. Please send via email to Thomas Dahl. Questions can be directed to (254) 750-6622.

2024 Schedule for New and Revised Standard Details(PDF, 37KB)

Draft Revised Standard Details for Review and Comment(PDF, 3MB) and Sheet by Sheet Summary of Draft Revised Standard Details(PDF, 108KB) have been posted for your review. Comments on constructability and feasibility may be sent through November 1st to Thomas Dahl. Please note that external review comments received and responses(PDF, 69KB) prepared by a multi-departmental interdisciplinary team will be periodically posted.

Disclaimer: The use of these standards is governed by the "Texas Engineering Practice Act". No warranty of any kind is made by the City of Waco for any purpose whatsoever. The City of Waco assumes no responsibility for the conversion of these standards to other formats or for incorrect results or damages resulting from their use.

Manual of Standard Details*(PDF, 13MB)

* Indicates sections that include Standard Details that have been recently changed or added.


Use Applicable Current TxDOT Barrier and Guardrail End Treatments (Mow Strip is Required)
