Transparent Traditional Finances

Transparency Star with City of Waco Fiscal Management Services Logo


The following summary data is from the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The Government-wide "Statement of Activities" reports the results of the City’s operations on an accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized at the time the liability is incurred.

Budget Transparency

Current FY 2023-2024 Budget

The adopted budget for FY 2023-2024 provides:

  • The City will invest over $240 million in capital improvement projects for water, wastewater, solid waste, streets, parks, and fire for FY24.
  • The average residential monthly combined utility bill for FY24 totals $139.06 per month. In FY20, the total monthly bill was $112.95, inflationary adjusted to $141.21 in FY24.
  • The FY 2023-2024 General Fund proposed budget is $203.7 million and maintains the City Council’s reserve policy of 28%.
  • City employees are critical to ensuring the success of our City and will receive a 5% general salary increase as well as improved benefits to ensure employee retention and recruitment. The budget will also include a 30% COLA for retirees and significant raises on top of the 5% for Police and Fire.

A budget serves as the financial plan for the City. Each year, the City develops a budget document which identifies spending plans and revenue estimates for City services.

Open Finance Interactive Revenue
Open Finance Interactive Operating

download revenue raw data in .xlsx file(XLSX, 5MB)         download operating raw data in .xlsx file(XLSX, 40MB)

Report Transparency

Check Register

A check register is a listing of all payments incurred by the City. The check register includes payment date, payment amount, payee and type of expenditure. Data in the check register is not updated after it is posted. The register excludes any information that might reveal protected privacy information.

Open Finance Interactive Checkbook

download raw data as a .xlsx file(XLSX, 22MB)

Payroll Reporting

The payroll report shows the total payroll by city department and division.

Open Finance Interactive Payroll

download raw data in a .csv file

Monthly Sales Tax Reports

Monthly Financial Reports