Forms & Reports


*Please note, Chrome users will have to open forms in Acrobat Reader to submit by email.

  • Citizen Compliment Form(PDF, 95KB)

    (This form is used by citizens who wish to file a compliment about a specific officer or situation. Please read form instructions before completing.)
    Compliment Form en espanol(PDF, 110KB)

  • Citizen Complaint Form(PDF, 94KB)

    (This form is used by citizens who wish to file a formal written complaint. Please read form instructions before completing.)
    Complaint Form en espanol(PDF, 114KB)

  • Criminal Trespass Affidavit(PDF, 54KB)

    (Any property owner/manager/agent wanting the criminal trespass law enforced on property under their control must sign an Authorization for Criminal Trespass Warnings Form.)

  • Impound Affidavit(PDF, 16KB)

    (This form is used by citizens who wish to remove a vehicle from our impound lot. The citizen ensures that the vehicle will not be operated until financial responsibility is obtained.)

  • Protective Orders

    (This information is for citizens looking to file a protective order with the Attorney General. The website also includes information on the court process and victim rights in genera

  • Vehicle Crash Report Form(PDF, 112KB)

    (Please read form instructions before completing. Complete and print the form, to the best of your knowledge and mail a copy to DPS and your insurance company. There is no need to provide a copy of this form to Waco Police Department.
    This form is to be used for the following reasons:
    Police were not called to the scene; police were not notified immediately; crash happened on private property.)
    Impounded Vehicle Pick Up (Notarized Letter)(PDF, 50KB)

  • Vendor Offense Report(PDF, 104KB)

    (The Vendor Offense Report is used by any business in Waco wishing to make a report of either simple theft or damage to their property. It’s to be used for non-emergency purposes when the suspect is no longer on premise.)
