Travel Through Waco: IH-35 Information
My35 is your connection to the latest news, project and road condition updates, traffic camera views and community meetings along the IH-35 corridor.
TxDOT Project Tracker
The Texas Department of Transportation the gateway to information about more than 11,000 TxDOT projects, providing 24/7-access to the public, employees and elected officials. You can view projects by highway, project ID, TxDOT district, county or state/federal legislative district. As a project develops, its status may change from planning to design to construction. Project updates occur weekly and are retrieved from TxDOT systems daily. Data and schedules can change as information is updated.
Click here to go to Project Tracker. Search for keyword Waco-MPO to see projects in the Waco MPO region.
TxDOT Travel Survey Program
TxDOT conducts regional surveys every 10 years to identify travel patterns in urban areas across the state. The results help TxDOT and local planning organizations make cost-effective decisions about transportation projects. View travel patterns for the Waco Metropolitan Area.
TxDOT also has a statewide planning map that displays data in support of planning operations at TxDOT.