On-Site Sewage Facilities Program (OSSF)
The term on-site sewage facility (OSSF) is used to address all types of systems that may be used for sewage disposal on a piece of property. A conventional septic system is just one of several systems available. The type of system suitable for a property is dependent upon the soils, site characteristics, physical features, and the intended uses of the property.
Program Information
The OSSF program is the designated representative for McLennan County to implement and enforce the rules adopted under the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 366 and Title 30 TAC Chapter 285 On-Site Sewage Facilities. Through an agreement between the City of Waco and McLennan County, the Health District administers the program for McLennan County, the cities in McLennan County and the City of Waco. The division is also responsible for investigating and resolving complaints regarding on-site sewage facilities. The OSSF program is comprehensive in nature because the goal is to eliminate and prevent health hazards and pollution to our county’s sewage disposal systems.
Contact Us
Phone: (254) 299-2473
Fax: (254) 750-6619
Address: 401 Franklin Avenue - Mae Jackson Development Center - 1st Floor
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
Fee Schedule
New Systems and Major Repairs
Includes application, permit, inspections and notice of approval:
- Single Family Residence: $410.00
- Non-Single Family Residence: $610.00
- Commercial/Business: $610.00
- Mandatory Research Council Fee: $10.00
Additional Fees:
- New Aerobic Unit: $100.00 (added to the initial permit fee)
- Design Re-Submittal Fee: $50.00 (applied each time system designs are returned due to incomplete, incorrect or non-compliant information)
- Re-Inspection Fee: $100.00 (applied when the facility is not ready for inspection when inspector arrives on location)
- Subdivision Plat Review Site Evaluation: $50.00
Minor System Repairs
- Increasing, lengthening, or expanding the treatment (tanks) or disposal system (drain field / disposal area), spray area relocation, or a single tank replacement: $160.00
- Mandatory Research Council Fee: $10.00
Aerobic Treatment Units
- Annual Maintenance Fee: $20.00 (per unit)
After initial two-year warranty, all aerobic units must have an ongoing maintenance contract. Fee is submitted by the provider or by the owner if owner is maintaining the system personally.
- Maintenance Provider Administrative Penalty Fee: $10.00 (per contract)
When a provider (not homeowner) fails to submit complete and correct reports on-time, or fails to provide the contracted number of inspections.