25th Street Corridor Plan

The Project

Versión en Español Aquí

Base Map of the 25th Street Corridor Study Area.

The City of Waco, with the help of consultant Kimley-Horn, is preparing an action-oriented implementation strategy to further study and provide implementation tools to address parking, infrastructure improvements to improve quality of life (including improvements to sidewalks, increased street lighting, street parking, and traffic calming strategies), and development of a shared corridor identity by incorporating cultural elements into designs along the corridor. The corridor is generally described as 25th Street (including neighboring properties up to and including the 26th Street right-of-way) from Franklin Avenue to Maple Street.

Through collaboration with the Cen-Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Grassroots Community Development, a steering committee has been selected, along with a technical advisory team. Steering committee members include: multiple corridor business owners and residents, Provident Heights Elementary School teachers, representation from all included and adjacent neighborhood associations, and two Council District IV Plan Commission members. Technical advisory team support includes representatives from the Cen-Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Grassroots Community Development, City Center Waco, and city staff from various departments.

Project Timeline

Overview of Project Timeline

  • Project Management and Stakeholder Engagements
    (October 2023 - March 2024)
  • Existing Conditions Assessment and Data Collection
    (October 2023 - November 2023)
  • Visioning and Alternatives Analysis
    (October 2023 - December 2023)
  • Preferred Concepts and Strategic Elements
    (January 2024 - February 2024)
  • Implementation Strategy
    (January 2024 - April 2024)

Project Meetings

Project Meeting Information

  1. Stakeholder Committee Meeting 1 – Monday, October 2nd, 2023:(PDF, 5MB) The project team introduced the planning process to the SC and discussed initial needs, goals, and visions for the corridor and its sub-districts. Existing streetscape elements and general themes were displayed to the SC to discuss the overall vision for 25th Street.
  2. Neighborhood Workshop 1 – Saturday, November 18th, 2023:(PDF, 4MB) Join us for the 25th Street Corridor Walk & Talk. Along the walk we will discuss corridor history, challenges, and opportunities. Please walk with us and share your stories about the corridor and thoughts about what is wanted and needed to help re-imagine the future vision of the corridor!
  3. Stakeholder Committee Meeting 2 - Monday, December 11th, 2023:(PDF, 3MB) Following the first neighborhood workshop, the project team will discuss alternative vision statements and review the corridor’s themes and final corridor context zones. Additionally, the SC will review and discuss the corridor’s issues and opportunities and will weigh in on preliminary streetscape direction.
  4. Stakeholder Committee Meeting 3 - January 22, 2024:(PDF, 5MB) The project team will meet with the SC a third time to discuss the preferred draft vision and themes for the corridor and each sub-district, and will weigh in on the draft streetscape elements, streetscape framework plan, and draft traffic improvements.
  5. Neighborhood Workshop 2 - January 27, 2024:(PDF, 5MB) The project team will present the preliminary project recommendations and framework. Feedback from this second neighborhood workshop will be incorporated into the project’s recommendations and prioritized list of projects.  
  6. Stakeholder Committee Meeting 4 - February 2024:(PDF, 2MB) The project team will meet with the SC a final time to review final recommendations including the final streetscape elements, final streetscape framework plan, final street design corridor concept, and a preliminary project list and prioritization.