City Council Meetings Information
City Council Meeting Dates
Current City Council Agendas
Current Council Agendas are located on the Meetings on Demand Web Page. The meeting agenda and packet are posted the Friday before the meeting.
Helpful Council Meeting Resources
Rules of Decorum
Ord. No. 2014-744, §§ 2, 3, 12-2-14(PDF, 94KB)
Public Speaker(PDF, 123KB)
Ord. No. 2019-519 , § 1, 8-20-19(PDF, 123KB)
Speaking at City Council Meetings
The Mayor and City Councl welcome the public to attend all official meetings of the City Council. A person who would like to speak to the City Council on a resolution, ordinance, public hearing, or during the hearing of visitors are encouraged to register with the City Secretary's staff outside the meeting room. In-person registration will begin 15 minutes prior to the posted Council meeting time and will continue until before the last person who has registered to speak on the item has begun to speak.
Individuals are welcome to register to speak:
- Online at Speaker Online Registration by 5pm the day before the meeting.
- Calling the City Secretary's Office at 254-750-5750.
- Emailing the City Secretary's Office at
- Completing a speaker card in-person at the registration table outside the meeting room.
Individuals who registered to speak on an agenda item must limit their comments to 3 minutes. On items other than public hearings, speakers will be allotted one three minutes presentation regardless of the number of agenda items the speaker wishes to address.
When speaking for ten or more individuals present in the City Council chamber, the presentation is
limited to ten minutes by the representative of the group, and other members of the group may not
speak. Individuals may be asked to stand to confirm their attendance.
Handouts: If you have handouts please provide 9 copies prior to the meeting and staff will distribute to the City Council.
Presentations: PowerPoint presentations must be recieved 24 hours prior to the meeting at
Written Public Input: The public may also submit written comments on an agenda item via email at Written comments on agenda items will be distributed to the Council.
Meetings can be viewed live on WCCC.TV by clicking here or tuning to:
- Spectrum: Channel 10
- Grande: Channel 10
- Grande: HD on Channel 810
Past Council Meeting Presentations
Click here to view City Council PowerPoint presentations.
DVD copies of City Council meetings are available for purchase up to four months after a meeting date. DVD’s are $3.00 and may be ordered from the Municipal Information Department at City Hall, 300 Austin Ave.