Information Required To Open An Account
- Valid State Driver’s License or State ID Card
- Social Security number
- Employer name
- Phone number
- Spouse or roommates’ names
- Spouse or Roommates’ Social Security numbers
- Spouse or Roommates’ State Driver's License or State ID Card numbers
- Additional information may be required.
We Protect Your Privacy
The City of Waco Water Utility Services Department Water Office is committed to the privacy of its customers. All City employees are responsible for safeguarding customer information, and such information is used for business purposes only. Customers may control the release of account information except as required by the Freedom of Information Act. The City of Waco, Water Office strives to ensure that the information obtained and used is accurate.
Uses of the Information
Customer Driver’s License and Social Security numbers are used for identification purposes only. When a customer asks for account information, whether via phone or in person, he/she will be asked to verify one or both of these numbers. If a customer’s spouse or roommate asks for information on the account, whether via phone or in person, he/she will be asked to verify one or both of their Drivers License or Social Security number.
Use Of The Information by Other Entities
Customer information may be reported to a Credit Agency. It may also be used by a third party collection agency contracted with the City of Waco to collect delinquent accounts.
Someone outside of the City of Waco may request customer information. Under the Freedom of Information Act, individuals/consumers may sign a confidentiality form or send a written confidentiality request. If such a request is received, information such as customer address, telephone number, social security number and consumption information will not be released except to a consumer reporting agency, other utility companies or any state or federal government and their subcontractors.
Care of Information
All written information, including copies, is shredded. Calls to our call center are recorded, and the recordings are secured by the Information Technology Department for an appropriate timeframe. Access to the recordings is limited to Supervisory or Management within the Water Office. The recordings are stored in a safe and shredded for destruction.
Information entered into the Customer Master files remains in the account database. Authorized staff that work in the City of Waco’s Water Office, Solid Waste Office and Information Technology Departments are able to view the Customer Master file. Other department staffs within the City are blocked from accessing a Customer Master file unless a written authorization form is completed and approved by their department head and the Director of Water Utilities or his/her designee.
The Information Technology Department has established strict protocol concerning access of the City of Waco’s Database. Information is secured with a firewall and accessing of information is strictly monitored.