Alta Vista


The Alta Vista Neighborhood Association is organized to:

  • Foster and promote a strong sense of cooperation and neighborliness between residents and businesses in the Alta Vista neighborhood.
  • Assist and encourage the restoration, preservation and improvement of the Alta Vista neighborhood.
  • Monitor and report violation of and to assist the property city, county and state officials in the enforcement of pertinent municipal, county and state codes.

Neighborhood Map

Map of Alta Vista Neighborhood(PDF, 2MB)

Meeting Information

Alta Vista Neighborhood Association meets quarterly from 7 to 8 p.m.

Neighborhood Calendar

Membership Dues

Neighbors interested in joining Alta Vista Neighborhood Association can mail their membership dues to P.O. Box 11882, Waco, Texas 76716. Dues are collected yearly.

  • Regular voting: $10
  • Regular non-voting: $5
  • Senior (60+): $5
  • Senior non-voting (60+): $5
  • Business/Organization voting: $25
  • Business/Organization non-voting: $20