Working within the Right-of-Way

Permits and approved plans are required for any construction in the City’s right-of-way. 

Engineering Services issues the following permits:

  • Alley
  • Curb and Gutter
  • Drive Approach

    ◦ Saw Cutting of Curb (Required for when Standard Detail ST-25 Horizontally Saw Cut Standard Curb and Gutter Drive Approach(PDF, 284KB) is planned method of curb removal for installation of Drive Approach.)

  • Floodplain Development
  • Franchise Utility (various)
  • Pedestrian Facilities Curb Ramp
  • Retaining Wall
  • Sanitary Sewer System (various)
  • Sidewalk
  • Small Cell Infrastructure
  • Stormwater Drainage System
  • Street Opening/Cut
  • Water Distribution System (various)

Permit Fees

Per City Council Resolution RES-2023-623 passed on August 29, 2023, the City Council revised the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 operating budget fee schedule with respect to certain fees for Public Works – Engineering Services, Public Works – Traffic Services, and Municipal Drainage Fund, all effective September 1, 2023, for the purpose of complying with revisions to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212 per House Bill 3492 of the 88th Legislative Regular Session.

Site Grading & Drainage

No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
2 Clearing & Grubbing (Entire Site) Acre 132.94
3 Rough Grading (Entire Site) CY 0.14
4 Finished Grading (Row & Easements) Acre 487.45

Sanitary Sewer

No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
5 Existing Manhole Connection EA 418.78
6 New Manhole EA 662.51
7 Deep Manhole (Depth > 10ft) EA 1060.60
8 Gravity Pipe (Diameter < 10in) LF 2.11
9 Gravity Pipe (Diameter > 10in) LF 2.66
10 Deep Gravity Pipe (Depth > 10ft) LF 3.66
11 Cleanout Box EA 132.94
12 Residential Service EA 155.10
13 Commercial Service EA 199.41
14 Deep Service EA 197.64
15 Force Main LF 2.51
16 Pipe Abandonment LF 5.32
17 Lift Station EA 11,344.34
18 Street Cut/Opening SF 5.32

Storm Drain

No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
19 Inlet Structure EA 485.25
20 Junction Structure/Manhole EA 662.51
21 Deep Junction Structure/Manhole (Depth > 10ft) EA 1415.11
22 Pipe LF 2.66
23 Deep Pipe (Depth > 10ft) FL 3.66
24 Unlined Channel SY 3.54
25 Concrete Channel SY 4.44
26 End Structure (Up to 36in Culvert) EA 265.88
27 Street Cut/Opening SF 5.32


No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
28 Fire Hydrant EA 598.24
29 Thrust Block EA 155.10
30 Ring Connection EA 1728.24
31 Main Tie-In to Existing Distribution EA 1595.30
32 Gate Valve & Box EA 420.98
33 Residential Connection EA 155.10
34 Bullhead Connection, Residential EA 155.10
35 Bullhead Connection, Commercial EA 288.04
36 Commercial/Large Residential Service EA 288.04
37 Meter Vault EA 243.73
38 Check Valve Vault EA 243.73
39 ARV EA 221.57
40 PRV EA 221.57
41 Automatic Flushing Valve EA 221.57
42 Blow Off Assembly EA 221.57
43 Bores LF 61.45
44 Pipe Encasement LF 8.86
45 Distribution Cut In Tee EA 1595.30
46 Pipe, 10in Dia and Less LF 1.77
47 Pipe, More than 10in Dia LF 2.66
48 Deep Pipe, More than 10ft LF 3.66
49 Street Cut Opening SF 5.32
50 Deep Street Cut/Opening, 10ft + SF 6.21

Parkway Improvements

No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
51 Sidewalk SF 0.95
52 Pedestrian Ramp EA 376.67
53 Concrete Flatwork CY 70.91
54 Structural Concrete CY 203.85
55 Sidewalk Scuppers EA 531.77


No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
56 Alley SY 1.33
57 Median SY 0.95
58 Curb & Gutter LF 1.92
59 Valley Gutter & Fillet LF 8.86
60 Residential Drive Approach EA 354.51
61 Commercial Drive Approach EA 443.14
62 Concrete Pavement, Non-Collector SY 1.13
63 Concrete Pavement, Collector/Above SY 1.33
64 Asphalt Pavement, Non-Collector SY 1.01
65 Asphalt Pavement, Collector/Above SY 1.20
66 Base Failure Repairs SY 2.66
67 Concrete Street or Alley Cut Repairs SY 44.31
68 Asphalt Street or Alley Cut Repairs SY 39.88
69 Mow Strips LF 2.66
70 Steel Plate WK 177.26


No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
71 Traffic Signal, Poles EA 1506.67
72 Street Lighting EA 886.28
73 Street Signs EA 44.31
74 Striping Plan EA 1.77

Administrative Processing & Misc Services

No. Item Unit Inspection Fee Rate
A1 Subdivision Permit EA 510.03
A2 Row Permit EA 55.53
A4 Preconstruction Meeting EA 343.65
A5 Hourly Inspection HR 88.63
A7 Overtime Inspection (4hr Minimum/1.5x Base Rate) HR 132.94
A9 Final Job Walk EA 253.68

In case any work for which a permit is started prior to obtaining such a permit, the fee above-specified shall be doubled

Steps to Acquire a Right-of-Way Permit

  1. Contractor / Concrete Bonded Residential Property Owner submits plans to for plan review. The email should include, date and time stamped photograph(s) showing the full area of the right-of-way of the proposed work, the address for the project, plans with dimensions including distance from the property line and/or adjacent streets, and the contact information for the bonded contractor.
  2. Development Engineer determines type of permit needed (concrete permit or street opening permit); distributes approved plans and a summary of quantities to Engineering Administrative Assistant for invoicing and the Right-of-Way Engineering Inspector.
  3. Contractor / Concrete Bonded Property Owner will obtain the right-of-way permit and an invoice for payment from the Engineering Administrative Assistant.
  4. Contractor / Concrete Bonded Property Owner makes payments through the Inspection Services Department..
  5. Engineering Administrative Assistant issues right-of-way permit.
  6. Contractor / Concrete Bonded Property Owner is to contact 24 hours in advance of construction the Right-of-Way Engineering Inspector for the inspection.

Franchise Utilities

Plan Requirements for Franchise Utilities Right-of-Way Permits per Code of Ordinances Sec. 23-22. Same—Location and placement.

  1. For 4-inch and smaller franchise utility line note of a 3-foot horizontal separation distance from outside to outside existing water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater facilities is sufficient.
  2. For 6-inch and greater franchise utility line need to show the existing water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater facilities in the plan view and maintain the 3-foot horizontal separation from outside to outside. Need to show in the profile view maintaining a minimum of 6-inch vertical separation from outside to outside when crossing any existing facility.

Expedited process for routine maintenance or repetitive small scale work such as leak repairs.

  1. Utility submits permit request forms via email to
  2. Development Engineer reviews request and issues permit for locations listed on request.
  3. Utility notifies Right-of-Way Engineering Inspector 24 hrs before beginning work.
  4. Right-of-Way Engineering inspects backfill before surface replacement is performed.

Construction within Right-of-Way that does not meet the requirements of the expedited process.

  1. Utility submits permit request and plans to in accordance with ordinance.
  2. Development Engineer reviews plans and issues permit.
  3. Utility contacts Right-of-Way Engineering Inspector 24 hrs before beginning work.

Emergencies — An emergency as defined by City Ordinance.

  1. Utility contacts City Engineer or Engineering Inspections Supervisor before performing any work or as soon as practical after beginning work.
  2. Utility is still responsible for submitting a written permit request to
  3. After plan is accepted Public Works Department will issue permit.


What is the right-of-way?

The right of way includes all paved surface plus the curb and gutter plus some distance behind the curb. The width of right of way behind the curb varies. A public map is available online.

When is a right-of-way permit required?

If the proposed work falls within the City of Waco right-of-way, a permit is always required.

***A “Building Permit” does not cover any work to be done in the right-of-way (driveways, sidewalks, curb & gutter, alleys, etcetera.)***

Which right-of-way permit is required and who can get the permit?

  • Concrete Permit - (residential or commercial) for any concrete work to be performed within the right-of-way. This permit can only be issued to a contractor or property owner that is bonded with the city.
  • Street Opening Permit - for all excavation and/or installation of utility appurtenances within the right-of-way. This permit will be issued to the contractor that will be performing the work.

What is required to get a right-of-way permit?

For a Concrete Permit only, the contractor or property owner must have a City of Waco Concrete Bond on file. All permits, plans or drawings approved by the City of Waco Development Engineer is required.

***A Traffic Control Plan shall be required for any obstruction of the flow of traffic on collector or arterial streets and for any traffic lane closures which obstruct the flow of traffic for longer than four hours at a time on local streets. Traffic Control Plans shall be prepared and submitted. Review and approval can take up to 15 calendar days***