Court Programs

Juvenile Teen Court

Anyone 16 years of age or under, or 17 years of age or under for an alcohol-related or drug-related offense, whom is issued a citation for a Class C Misdemeanor must appear for Juvenile Teen Court. The court proceedings for Juvenile Teen Court are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. at the Municipal Court and Community Services Building, 201 W. Waco Dr., Waco, Texas.

The Municipal Court Judge sets a Juvenile Teen Court hearing date and issues a Notice to Appear to the parent or legal guardian.

The Municipal Court mails the Notice to Appear with the court hearing date to a juvenile's parent or legal guardian at the address written on the citation. At the court hearing, the Judge explains options for the juvenile to resolve the citation. The parent or legal guardian and the juvenile must be present for the Judge to proceed with disposition on the citation. If the parent or legal guardian fails to appear for the court hearing date, a Summons will be served to the parent or legal guardian ordering them to appear to the court.

If the juvenile fails to appear or does not comply with the Judge's Order after the juvenile turns 17 years of age, the juvenile and/or legal guardian may be charged with an additional violation of Failure to Appear with a maximum fine of $500.00 plus additional fees. The State of Texas will be notified for the juvenile's failure to appear or lack of compliance. The State of Texas will suspend their driver's license or the juvenile will not be able to obtain their driver's license until compliance.

Article 45.057 Subsection (h) of the Code of Criminal Procedure requires that a child and parent or the person of parental relation have an obligation to provide the court, in writing, with the current address and residence of the child. On or before the seventh (7th) day after the date the child or parent changes residence, the child or parent or the person of parental relation shall notify the court of the current address. This obligation does not end when the child reaches seventeen (17) years of age.

A violation of Article 45.057 subsection (h) may result in arrest and is a Class C misdemeanor.


Deferred Disposition

This program is offered to anyone who has received a citation for any Class C Misdemeanor filed in the City of Waco Municipal Court if:

  1. You have not disposed of a citation in the past 12 months by deferred disposition.
  2. You are ineligible to take a Driving Safety Course (ineligibility is if a Driving Safety Course has been taken for any court within the past 12 months)
  3. You receive a citation for a moving violation and do not possess a valid Texas Driver's License but possess an out of State Driver's License;
  4. You receive a citation for more than one violation or 1 moving violation with an increased fine amount for non-appearance within the 10 days; and
  5. You are ineligible to be placed on the Deferred Disposition program if you possess a Commercial Driver's License.

A person must request, in writing, online or appear in person, before the Municipal Court within 10 calendar days from the issuance date of the ticket to request this option. For your convenience, a signature line is provided on the back of the copy of the citation issued to you for you to enter your plea. If mailing your request, please indicate, in writing, to the court if you are requesting the court to grant you the Deferred Disposition Program.

You can mail your request to:
The City of Waco Municipal Court
P. O. Box 2570
Waco, Texas 76702-2570

To ask questions, you may telephone the Municipal Court at (254) 750-5900.

If mailing the above items, please be sure to include your name and address so the Order Granting Deferred Disposition can be returned to you with the compliance requirements and compliance due date.

A person may also be required to do one or more of the following to comply with deferred disposition:

  1. Pay a Deferred Disposition Special Expense Fine
  2. Take a Driving Safety Course
  3. Complete Community Service Hours
  4. Complete an Alcohol Awareness Education course
  5. Complete a Tobacco Awareness Education course

If a pet related violation, provide proof of vaccination or other related requirements. Upon compliance with the ordered deferred disposition program and within the compliance due date, citations will be dismissed.


Dismissal Violations

Certain offenses may be eligible for dismissal, subject to specific requirements being met.

Violations may be dismissed if you appear, plea, and provide proof of compliance as noted below and pay the applicable dismissal fee within 20 business days from the citation issue date:

  1. No Liability Insurance
  2. No Driver's License
  3. Failure to Report Change of Address
  4. Expired Driver's License/Plates
  5. Display Expired Registration
  6. Expired Disabled Placard
  7. Failure to Display Disabled Placard
  8. Defective Equipment

The citation violation may be dismissed if the following requirements are met:

  1. No Liability Insurance - Provide proof of valid liability insurance effective at the citation issue date and time. No fee.
  2. No Driver's License - Provide proof of a valid driver’s license effective at the citation issue date and time plus $10.00.
  3. Failure to Report Change of Address - Provide proof of your new driver’s license with your new address plus $20.00.
  4. Expired Driver's License/Plates - Provide proof of driver’s license renewal/proof of tax collector registration receipt with late fee paid plus $20.00.
  5. Display Expired Registration - Provide a tax collector registration receipt plus $10.00. (Late fee not required.)
  6. Expired Disabled Parking Placard - Provide placard holder's proof of driver&rsqou;s license or identification card, a valid placard, and a written statement of eligible use, all effective at the citation issue date and time plus $20.00.
  7. Failed to Display Disable Placard - Provide placard holder's proof of driver&rsqou;s license or identification card, a valid placard, and a written statement of eligible use, all effective at the citation issue date and time. No fee.
  8. Defective Equipment - Provide proof of repair specifically to the vehicle listed in the citation plus $10.00.

To avoid a fine increase of up to $100 in addition to your original fine, you must appear within 20 business days. A warrant may be issued for your arrest if you do not appear. You will not be arrested while attempting to appear, plea, and/or resolve your citation.

You may appear, plea, and request dismissal in person at the Municipal Court. Alternatively, you may appear, plea, and request dismissal by completing the section on the back of your citation, signing the citation, and mailing the citation. You may also use the Court’s 24/7 drop box in the entry way, or email us at When mailing your request to the Court, please include your name and address to ensure accurate and timely processing of your citation.

Mailing Address
City of Waco Municipal Court
P. O. Box 2570
Waco, Texas 76702-2570

Physical Address
City of Waco Municipal Court
201 W. Waco Drive
Waco, TX 76707

For additional information, please call (254) 750-5900 or email

Driving Safety Course

If you receive a citation for a moving traffic violation, you may be able to prevent it from appearing on your driving record by completing a Driving Safety Course. To qualify for this option:

  1. You must possess a valid Texas driver's license and current liability insurance;
  2. Can only be granted for one moving violation on the citation;
  3. You must not have taken a Driving Safety Course in the past 12 months;
  4. Could not have been speeding 25 miles or more over the designated speed limit; or
  5. Could not have been speeding at 95 miles per hour or more; or
  6. You must enter an appearance on the citation within 10 days from the issuance date of the citation.
  7. You cannot possess a commerical driver's license.

You may request this option, by mail, online or by appearance in person, before the Municipal Court within 10 calendar days (not 10 working days) from the date you were issued the citation. You must present the following items to the Municipal Court:

  1. A plea of “No Contest” and the request to take a Driving Safety Course, either in writing (with your signature), which a space for your written request is provided for your selection on the back of the copy of the citation issued to you, or your appearance in person;
  2. A copy of your valid Texas Driver’s License;
  3. A copy of proof of current liability insurance - the proof of insurance must be in the name of the person that received the citation.
  4. You must submit a $144.00 fee or $169.00 if in a school zone, at the time you request to take the Driving Safety Course.

All of the above items must be presented at the time of the request to take a Driving Safety Course for this option to be granted by the court. You can mail all of the above to:

The City of Waco Municipal Court
P. O. Box 2570
Waco, Texas 76702-2570

To ask questions, you may telephone the Municipal Court at (254) 750-5900

If mailing the above items, please be sure to include your name and address so the Order Granting the Driving Safety Course document can be returned to you with the compliance requirements and compliance due date.

After the court grants the Driving Safety Course, you must meet the two following compliance requirements.

  1. Take a Driving Safety Course within 90 days from the date the Order Granting the Driving Safety Course from a state certified instructor and return with your signature the certificate designated “Court Copy”. You will receive two certificates after completing the Driving Safety Course and the “Insurance Copy” is not to be returned to the court.
  2. Request a certified copy of your driving record from the Driver Records Bureau, Texas Department of Public Safety, P. O. Box 15999, Austin, Texas 78761-5999. This request must be mailed with a $10.00 fee, check or money order, made payable to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Please request the certified copy of your driving record be mailed to you and not to the court so you know the certified copy of your driving record has been received per your request.

The above two items must be returned to the court by your due date (the due date is on your Order Granting the Driving Safety Course document) for the violation to be dismissed and prevented from appearing on your driving record.